BR017 - Bitcoin Estate Concerns Panel ft. Jeff Vandrew Jr, Jared Pierce, Peter Dunworth & Amanda Kita
I’m joined by guests Jeff Vandrew Jr, Jared Pierce, Peter Dunworth and Amanda Kita to discuss estate concerns relating to Bitcoin.
Discussion Topics:
00:05:08 Starting thinking about estate planning with Bitcoin
00:17:15 Estate privacy concerns
00:19:05 Trusts
00:24:32 Death taxes
00:26:54 Corporation structures
00:28:58 Divorce concerns
00:36:32 Estate planning horror stories
00:48:49 Ensuring smooth transfer to beneficiaries
00:50:09 Privacy concerns
01:04:16 Jurisdiction sheltering and tax sheltering
01:09:12 The right way to do Bitcoin inheritance planning
01:16:55 Timelocks
01:18:49 Musig
01:19:50 Weaknesses in private key generation
01:22:12 Scams and fraud
01:27:23 Probate administration best practices
01:29:23 Resources
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